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Creating a Universal Tani Script

This project aims to develop a unified script for Tani dialects that respects their unique phonetic characteristics  (accounting for tones) while promoting mutual intelligibility, something that past efforts with Tani Lipi did not accomplish. By creating a script that is accessible and familiar to all Tani speakers, we are hoping to facilitate language preservation efforts and reinforce cultural cohesion.


A Tani Renaissance: Bridging Borders, Reviving Unity

We are currently collaborating with institutes globally, inorder to revive the unified Tani language, that is now dead. By drawing upon historical records and linguistic expertise, we aim to rekindle a shared identity that transcends geographical boundaries. We want this language to become the lingua franca of all tanis, and after this we would petition the local government to make it compulsory in all schools of Arunachal. 


From Virtual to Physical - The Tani Museum Project

By establishing an online museum showcasing Tani artifacts, artworks, and cultural artifacts, we lay the groundwork for a physical museum space in the future. This project would thereby serve as a focal point for community engagement and cultural exchange, promoting awareness and appreciation of Tani heritage.


Language Learning Platform

The creation of an interactive online platform offers accessible resources for learning the Tani language. Through innovative teaching methods and engaging content, this initiative empowers individuals within Tani-speaking communities to reclaim and revitalize their linguistic heritage. We are hoping to work with various organisations like Duolingo, 7000 languages, etc to achieve this. In the meantime do check our youtube channel. 


Recording Tani Tales and Traditions

This endeavor focuses on preserving the oral traditions of Tani communities by documenting their history, folklore, and cultural practices. Through audiovisual recordings and written accounts, we ensure that the rich heritage of the Tani people is safeguarded for future generations.


Tani Legends 

This project seeks to document the extraordinary stories of remarkable individuals within the Tani community, highlighting their achievements, resilience, and contributions. By sharing their narratives, we hope to honor their legacy and inspire pride in Tani heritage, fostering a sense of empowerment and belonging among current and future generations.



Papum Pare , Arunachal Pradesh

791111, IN

"Preserve our heritage and resist foreign influence. Be proud to be Tani—children of an undefeated, resilient ethnicty. Cherish and speak your native language; there's nothing more powerful than your own voice"


South West Delhi

New Delhi

110021, IN

The Tani Language Foundation (TLF) is a is a non-profit, non-partisan, non-political, cultural, and educational organization that promotes and recognizes Tani culture & heritage not only in India but also internationally. â€‹

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